Final Day!
Hey thirsty readers! I am fresh off a plane from Ohio after the Beyond the Read Author Event…. Okay, that's a lie; it's been...

Hey thirsty readers!
I am fresh off a plane from Ohio after the Beyond the Read Author Event…. Okay, that's a lie; it's been a week, but along with amazing memories, I came home with the ‘Rona. It’s fine, I'm fine, it just took me a minute before I could get this newsletter out.
There's no rest for the wicked, though because in less than two weeks, I'll be in San DIego for the Be Love, Spread Love author event! The after party is pajama themed and if you know me, you know pajamas are my jam. I can't wait.
Be sure to scroll down because today is the final day to get the Birdie's Biker ebook for only $1.99!