Remember Me?

It's been a while, my thirsty readers! I've never hid my mental illness, but I also haven't spoken about it in quite a while because I was doing great for a quite a while, and from the outside, you'd think I was on the top of my game. I'm receiving KDP (Kindle Unlimited) All Star Bonuses consistently each month. Thanks to TikTok shop, I'm so busy I had to hire help. My family is happy and healthy. There was no reason for my anxiety and depression to pop up, right?
I thrive when things are going wrong. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” is my sweet spot. I can take any hardship or tragedy and jump in, ready to work to fix it. It's not until I start to see success that I panic, and I panic hard.
What if I can't keep this up?
What if I wake up tomorrow and it's all gone?
What if everyone gets sick of me and my books?
What if the next book bombs?
What if my family is struck by another tragedy?
Anxiety and depression feed off of my happiness and I've been way too happy lately. I was a little sad to go back on medication, but I know it's what I need to quiet the inner dialogue that tells me I'm not good enough and I don't deserve any of my successes.
All of this to say, it's been a month since I went back on medication and I'm starting to feel more like myself, which means my long-ass checklist is slowly getting ticked off, including this newsletter.
Behind the scenes, I'm slowly chipping away at Judge and Myla's story from the Sons of Erebus. I can't say too much yet, but so far, it's the easiest book I've ever written. The words are flowing and the only thing stopping me is time. I'll share more on that later.
As for now, I wanted to show you the discreet paperback cover for Lucky's Trouble that will be available starting tomorrow! The lettering is silver foiled and it has all new interior formatting that's absolutely stunning. This one (along with the discreet cover for Rigger's Mistake) will only be available on my website and in my TikTok shop.
Thanks for sticking by me, even when I disappear for months on end! I appreciate you more than you know!